David Spink - Who am I and why should you work with me?

Who am I? Well Daniel Craig or Jason Bourne in my dreams of course.

In reality? The good news is I can’t kill my clients with a biro or rolled up magazine but I can take great, authentic photographs.

After 17 years in the Marketing Agency world, fate (well the credit crunch) turned it’s hand and pushed me to look at reinventing my career. For the last six years my professional photography business has gone from strength to strength. Why?  Well here are some of my aspirations, hopes and reasons why my clients tell me they like working with me…

I will over service. This means I turn up on time; I give the client what they want and understand their needs; I exceed expectations; I deliver.

I understand the power of a beautifully crafted photograph; the contribution it can make to storytelling; the role it has in driving a response; the joy it can bring in capturing memories forever.

I strive for authenticity. Shots of people, places and things as they are meant to be. Shots that are truly beautiful.